Dylan’s Story

Meet Dylan.
Dylan at the young age of 19 lost his father. He spent years depressed, making bad choices, and struggling with addiction. He finally got to the point where he had enough and knew he needed to make some changes in his life and ended up at Waterfront.
Dylan was also a professing Wiccan. He knew once arriving at Waterfront and becoming interested in our LifeBuilder Program, that being part of a Christian-based recovery program would be a challenge, but he committed because he knew he needed to!
After a month at Waterfront, Dylan gave his life to Christ. Since then he has completed the recovery program, obtained his driver’s license, established accountability, and is striving towards securing permanent housing. He is currently in our Career Development Program and is working at our Recycling and Distribution Center.
Dylan has new goals and once he leaves Waterfront he wants to get a trade job, and possibly get certified in HVAC where he can then save up money and go back to school. We know that with God all things are possible and Dylan is setting himself up for success by putting God first.