The Next Calling of the Mission
In recent years, the issue of homelessness among women in Escambia County has grown significantly. According to the Florida’s Council On Homelessness Annual Report, the number of persons experiencing homelessness in Escambia County from 2022 to 2023 jumped 61%. On average, women make up 29% of the community according to the National Alliance to end Homelessness. Contributing factors include economic instability, domestic violence, lack of affordable housing, and others. The need for dedicated services for homeless women in Escambia county has never been more urgent.
By supporting “Hope for Her,” you can help us provide the shelter, care, and resources these women in our community desperately need. With your help, we can create a community where every woman has the opportunity to rebuild her life.

Introducing Hope for Her
“With your support, “Hope for Her” can provide overnight shelter for up to 49 single women each night. Our facility will offer access to restroom and shower facilities, clean clothing and laundry services, warm beds, meals, and support from chaplains and other Mission personnel. Most importantly the women who stay at Waterfront will be safe and secure from the dangers of sleeping on the streets. We are dedicated to equipping every woman who walks through our doors with the tools and short-term support necessary to rebuild her life. This includes enrollment in applicable Waterfront programs such as our Veteran’s Care Program and Working Homeless Program or connecting the individual with other community providers to address additional needs.”
– Clay Romano, President of Waterfront Mission

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to our Mission to demonstrate God’s goodness by providing rescue and recovery services in Jesus’ name.
“This marks a monumental step forward for our community. The opening of the overnight women’s shelter by the Waterfront Rescue Mission is a testament to their unwavering commitment to compassion and service. This shelter is desperately needed, offering safety and support to those who have faced unimaginable challenges. The community is grateful to the Waterfront Rescue Mission for their dedication to making our community a place where everyone can find hope and refuge.”
— Michelle Salzman Florida State Representative District 1