Meet Daniel

Daniel grew up in a good family, and his mom always took him to church. But as a young teen, he started down a path of substance abuse that continued long into adulthood. “I was the bad kid. I wanted to do what I wanted to do no matter what.”
Even after Daniel became a parent, a pattern of substance abuse continued. His life became a series of one devastating event after another. The mother of his child passed away due to an overdose… then Daniel ended up in prison, unable to care for his son. “I destroyed every relationship I had pretty quick.”
With few people he could call on for help, when Daniel was released from prison, he became homeless… living in his car and couch surfing to avoid ending up on the streets.
Then he got in a bad accident that led to a coma and multiple surgeries on his leg. “The doctors told me I’d never walk,” he says. But Daniel eventually went from a wheelchair to a walker to a cane – all while experimenting with drugs to manage his pain.
Daniel started seeing a church pastor for counseling for his substance abuse, and that’s when he found out about Waterfront.
The day he walked through our door, everything changed for Daniel.
After detoxing, Daniel went through our LifeBuilder Recovery Program, where he learned his most important lesson: “Faith isn’t about religion – it’s about a relationship with Jesus Christ.”
“Waterfront showed me how to follow Jesus on my own… how to understand what the Bible means to me.”
After graduating from our LifeBuilder Recovery Program, Daniel has kept busy working full-time at Waterfront Thrift. He now sees himself as a productive member of society. “Even though it’s simple work that I do, it’s meaningful for me.”
He’s also grown spiritually here, and has been involved in a Bible study outreach at a local prison. His goal for the future is simple: “To try to help just one more person.”
This Christmas, Daniel is experiencing all the joy this season has to offer – because YOU believed in the power of a fresh start and the promise of God’s unending love. “All the glory goes to God, for everything that He’s done for me.”
To read this issue of Waterfront Mission Rescue News, click here.