Meet George

Meet LifeBuilder Recovery Program Client George

George had a rough childhood growing up and spent nearly twenty years off and on of his adult life battling drug and alcohol addictions. He experienced periods of homelessness, brief months of sobriety followed by relapse, and eventually two heart attacks. He finally realized he needed to leave the negative drug-filled environment he was in and come to Waterfront for his health’s sake.

George entered the first phase of the recovery program, Recovery Readiness, followed by phase two, LifeBuilder. Upon entering the program, he was angry at God and himself, but as the weeks went by, he realized that he couldn’t do anything without God. George said that God, the faith of the Waterfront staff, and the people around him at the Mission have been a huge help to him. He is excited to use what he has learned so far to continue to help others going through similar experiences. He has enjoyed spending time serving others through his work in the Pensacola Mission kitchen. He said he’s thankful to the Mission because he has “been able to come back to a real relationship with Jesus Christ and has a renewed purpose.”

We can’t wait to see what George accomplishes during the final phase, Career Development. We hope you will keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he continues in the last phase of our program. 🙏

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