Meet Bobby

Meet Bobby.   

Bobby was living homeless when he was struck by a car while walking along the roadway.  He sustained serious injuries.  It ended up being his wake-up call. 

“After the hospital put my body back together, they sent me to Waterfront,” he said, following a five-day hospital stay.  During his weeks-long stay in Waterfront’s Recuperation Dorm – equipped with 10 medical-grade beds for homeless men to recover from illness and injury – Bobby realized he needed more than physical recovery.  Bobby, who’d struggled with alcoholism most of his life, needed mental, spiritual, and addiction recovery. 

Not long before the accident, Bobby’s wife had died after an illness.  “When my wife died, I fell deeper into my addiction,” he said, remembering the man he was before his life was transformed during his time at Waterfront. 

“I know God put me at Waterfront, because I had prayed for help,” he said. 

How exactly did his life change? 

Bobby completed Waterfront’s Recovery Program, is active at a local church, and landed a good job. 

Like many others whose lives are radically changed at Waterfront, Bobby wasn’t sure he was hirable.  But Waterfront knew he’d make a remarkable employee, and they were right.  Bobby was hired by Waterfront’s Recycle & Distribution Center, helping prepare donated items to be recycled or sold in Waterfront Thrift Stores.  Hiring its own clients helps the men build marketable skills as they strengthen their resumes to show future employers that they’re reliable and hard-working, which is precisely Bobby’s goal. 

Bobby had his driver’s license restored, but owning his own car had been only a dream.  Waterfront staff helped Bobby craft a budget, and after several months of saving, Bobby was able to pay cash for a vehicle.  He can now transport himself to and from work and to other important appointments. 

 His next goal? 

Saving for a place of his own.  And if anyone knows that goals are attainable, it’s Bobby!  In the meantime, he is living in Waterfront’s transitional house.  

Bobby continues learning the skills needed to be a self-sufficient, productive citizen . . . without substance abuse. 

Men learn life skills in the LifeBuilder Recovery Program, such as anger management, teamwork, sober living, communication, money management, goal setting, and decision-making.

“I have everything to look forward to because of the love, care, and compassion that Waterfront Rescue Mission has for those who are lost in this world,” he said.  “I am living proof.” 

Waterfront is a place of second chances for men like Bobby. 

He will return to his community a tax-paying, responsible man with a job and a future he can be proud of. 

The sign over the Waterfront check-in desk reads, “If you don’t have a friend in the world, you’ll find one here.”  Bobby experienced that friendship.  He didn’t face judgment when he entered our doors, but compassionate care, coupled with accountability and expectations.  That’s the model of Waterfront services… we serve you so that you can also help yourself through goal-setting and diligent effort. 


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